Quels sont les meilleurs films en rapport avec Stephen King (scénario, réalisateur, ...)?
2008-08-07 08:18:20 UTC
Pour rappel :
- "Carrie" de Brian De Palma - 1976
- "Salem's Lot" de Tobe Hooper - 1979
- "The Shining" de Stanley Kubrick - 1980
- "The Boogeyman" de Jeffrey C. Schiro - 1982
- "Creepshow" de George A. Romero - 1982
- "Disciples Of The Crow" de John Woodward - 1983
- "The Woman In The Room" de Frank Darabont - 1983
- "Cujo" de Lewis Teague" - 1983
- "The Dead Zone" de David Cronenberg - 1983
- "Christine" de John Carpenter - 1983
- "Children of the Corn" de Fritz Kiersch - 1984
- "Firestarter" de Mark L. Lester - 1984
- "Cat's Eye" de Lewis Teague - 1985
- "Silver Bullet" de Daniel Attias - 1985
- "Srazhenie" de Mikhail Titov - 1986
- "Maximum Overdrive" de Stephen King - 1986
- "Stand By Me" de Rob Reiner - 1986
- "The Last Rung On The Ladder" de Daniel Thron et James Cole - 1987
- "The Lawnmower Man" de Jim Gorris - 1987
- "Creepshow 2" de Michael Gornick - 1987
- "A Return to Salem's Lot" de Larry Cohen - 1987
- "The Running Man" de Paul Michael Glaser - 1987
- "Pet Sematary" de Mary Lambert - 1989
- "Tales from the Darkside: The Movie" de John Harrison - 1990
- "Graveyard Shift" de Ralph S. Singleton - 1990
- "It" de Tommy Lee Wallace - 1990
- "Misery" de Rob Reiner - 1990
- "Sometimes They Come Back" de Tom McLoughlin - 1991
- "The Lawnmower Man" de Brett Leonard - 1992
- "Sleepwalkers" de Mick Garris - 1992
- "Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice" de David Price - 1993
- "The Dark Half" de George A. Romero - 1993
- "The Tommyknockers" de John Power - 1993
- "Needful Things" de Fraser Clarke Heston - 1993
- "The Shawshank Redemption" de Frank Darabont - 1994
- "Children of the Corn III" de James D.R. Hickox - 1995
- "The Mangler" de Tobe Hooper - 1995
- "Dolores Claiborne" de Taylor Hackford - 1995
- "The Langoliers" - 1995
- "Sometimes They Come Back… Again" de Adam Grossman - 1996
- "Children of the Corn IV: The Gathering" de Greg Spence - 1996
- "Thinner" de Tom Holland - 1996
- "Trucks" de Chris Thomson - 1997
- "Ghosts" de Stan Winston - 1997
- "Quicksilver Highway" de Mick Garris - 1997
- "The Night Flier" de Mark Pavia - 1997
- "Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror" de Ethan Wiley - 1998
- "Apt Pupil" de Bryan Singer - 1998
- "The Rage: Carrie 2" de Katt Shea - 1999
- "Sometimes They Come Back… for More" de Daniel Zelik Berk - 1999
- "Children of the Corn 666: Isaac's Return" de Kari Skogland - 1999
- "The Green Mile" de Frank Darabont -1999
- "Paranoid" de Jay Holben - 2000
- "Strawberry Spring" de Doveed Linder - 2001
- "Hearts In Atlantis" de Scott Hicks - 2001
- "Children of the Corn: Revelation" de Guy Magar - 2001
- "Firestarter 2: Rekindled" de Robert Iscove - 2002
- "Night Surf" de Peter Sullivan - 2002
- "Carrie" de David Carson - 2002
- "The Dead Zone" de Robert Lieberman - 2002
- "Rainy Season" de Nick Wauters - 2002
- "Dreamcatcher" de Lawrence Kasdan - 2003
- "Autopsy Room Four" de Stephen Zakman - 2003
- "The Diary Of Ellen Rimbauer" de Craig R. Baxley - 2003
- "Secret Window" de David Koepp - 2004
- "The Man in the Black Suit" de Nicholas Mariani - 2004
- "The Road Virus Heads North" de Dave Brock - 2004
- "All That You Love" de Scott Albanese - 2004
- "Salem's Lot" de Mikael Salomon - 2004
- "All That You Love Will Be Carried Away" de James Reiner - 2004
- "Riding The Bullet" de Mick Jarris - 2004
- "El Sueño De Harvey" de Rodolfo Weisskirch - 2005
- "Luckey Quarter" de Robert David Cochrane - 2005
- "Sorry, Right Number" de Brian Berkowitz - 2005
- "Home delivery: Servicio a domicilio" d'Elio Quiroga - 2005
- "Gotham Cafe" de Jack Edward Sawyers - 2005
- "La Femme Dans La Chambre" de Damien Maric - 2005
- "I Know What You Need" de Shawn S. Lealos - 2005
- "Umney's Last Case" de Rodney Altman - 2006
- "Desperation" de Mick Jarris - 2006
- "Suffer the Litttle Children" de Bernardo Villela - 2006
- "Tyger" de Leyla Everaers - 2006
- "Lovecraft's Pillow" de Mark Steensland - 2006
- "Popsy" de Brian Haynes - 2006
- "Walking Ghost" de Sarah Sterchele - 2006
- "1408" de Mikael Hafstrom - 2007
- "Paul's Dream" de Ben Lawrence - 2007
- "The Mist" de Frank Darabont - 2007
Quatorze réponses:
2008-08-08 03:37:57 UTC
le meilleur que j'ai pu voir est Misery

j'aime beaucoup Carrie également

par contre, même s'il peut paraître très bidon, j'ai un faible pour Creepshow de Romero : j'adore les films de série B et franchement, dans le genre gore, Romero est le roi!

et merci pour cette liste, je vais pouvoir peaufiner ma culture cinématographique dédiée à Stephen King!
2008-08-07 16:08:25 UTC
Beaucoup d'adaptations des romans de Stephen King sont très réussis.

Parmi les meilleurs, je citerai :

Carrie au bal du diable (1976)

Shining (1980)

Misery (1990)

La Ligne verte (1998)
2008-08-07 15:32:23 UTC
Dolores Clayborn
Maltesers glacé
2008-08-08 19:41:13 UTC
j'ai vu et lu shining : franchement le film est génial et le livre est carrément EXCELLENT !!!!, sinon la ligne verte est très émouvante aussi !

2008-08-07 20:54:56 UTC
Alors dans ceux que j'ai vu:

1-Hearts In Atlantis


3-The Shawshank Redemption

4-The Shining

5-The Mist


7-The Dead Zone (1983)

8-Pet Semetary


Cependant je remarque que t'en as oublié quelques uns dans ta liste, tel Pet Semetary 2 entre autres
2008-08-07 20:44:46 UTC
Shinning, Carrie, ça, la ligne verte.
ludovic o
2008-08-07 18:58:17 UTC
Carrie est excellent, tout comme dead zone, misery, dolores claiborne, la ligne verte et stand by me. Shining est beaucoup trop infidele au livre. Simetierre n'est pas mal non plus, mais ca reste un film mineur. Le telefilm la tempête du siècle est aussi très fidèle, mais je ne suis pas vraiment fan, sans doute parce que le livre n'est pas un de ses meilleurs. Christine manque désespérément de rythme.

@happy-ev : simetierre 2 n'est pas tiré d'un roman de king
2008-08-07 18:45:12 UTC
Sans hésiter, et sans même regarder ta liste, "The shawshank redemption".

"Les évadés" en french, quelle traduction MINABLE.

Edit : pour celui ou celle qui a parlé de Cujo, j'espère qu'il ou elle parle du livre. Car le film, avec le petit garçon qui à la dernière seconde du film respire et donc survit ... lamentable.
2008-08-07 16:54:11 UTC
Les films des livres de Stephen King sont bien. Certains mieux que d'autres mais rien n'égale la lecture....
2008-08-07 16:43:46 UTC
Moi j'aime bien Cujo car ces pas tout les jours que tu vois une chave souris enragé mordre un gentil Saint-Bernard, qui va par la suite devenir un tueur.

Ya aussi Maximum Overdirve, Stand by me, It, Sometimes they comes back, The langoliers.
2008-08-07 15:29:52 UTC
Je ne suis pas une très grande fan de Stephen King mais j'ai un faible pour le téléfilm "Le Fléau". J'ai lu le livre après et c'était encore mieux: dans le téléfilm, les personnages ne correspondent pas vraiment, ils ont même fusionné deux personnages.
2008-08-07 15:25:28 UTC
"La Ligne verte" avec Tom Hanks. Très fidèle au livre.
2008-08-07 15:23:49 UTC
ses stephen king il sont toutes bon

a tu deja remarquer que stephen king aparait dans tout ses film

pour ma par ses toujours un delice de voir l un de ses film
Anneau Nîmes
2008-08-08 19:18:43 UTC
ca fait 108 en tout


From a Buick 8 (2009) (in production) (novel)

"Faithful: Two Diehard Boston Red Sox Fans Chronicle the Historic 2004 Season" (2008) TV mini-series (in production) (book)

Cell (2009) (announced) (novel)

"The Talisman" (2009) TV mini-series (pre-production) (novel)

Bag of Bones (2009) (pre-production) (novel)

Creepshow (2008) (pre-production) (short story)

... aka Creepshow '08 (International: English title: informal title)

... aka Creepshow 4 (International: English title: informal alternative title)

... aka Creepshow IV (International: English title: informal alternative title)

Dolan's Cadillac (2009) (post-production) (novel)

The Mist (2007) (novella)

... aka Stephen King's The Mist (USA: complete title)

"The Dead Zone" (81 episodes, 2002-2007)

... aka Stephen King's Dead Zone (USA)

- Denouement (2007) TV episode (characters from the novel)

- Ambush (2007) TV episode (characters from the novel)

- Exile (2007) TV episode (characters from the novel)

- Drift (2007) TV episode (characters from the novel)

- Transgression (2007) TV episode (characters from the novel)

(76 more)

Paul's Dream (2007) (story "Harvey's Dream")

1408 (2007) (short story)

Walking Ghost (2006) (story)

Popsy (2006) (short story) (story)

Lovecraft's Pillow (2006) (suggestion)

Tyger (2006/I) (short story)

... aka Tiger (International: English title: informal title)

Suffer the Little Children (2006) (story)

"Nightmares and Dreamscapes: From the Stories of Stephen King" (2006) TV mini-series (unknown episodes)

Desperation (2006) (TV) (novel "Desperation") (teleplay)

... aka Stephen King's Desperation (USA: complete title)

Umney's Last Case (2006) (short story)

I Know What You Need (2005) (short story)

Femme dans la chambre, La (2005) (short story)

... aka The Woman in the Room (International: English title: informal title)

Gotham Cafe (2005) (short story)

Home delivery: Servicio a domicilio (2005) (short story)

Sorry, Right Number (2005) (original screenplay)

Luckey Quarter (2005) (short story)

Sueño de Harvey, El (2005) (story "Harvey's Dream")

Riding the Bullet (2004) (novella "Riding the Bullet")

All That You Love Will Be Carried Away (2004) (short story)

'Salem's Lot (2004) (TV) (novel "Salem's Lot")

All That You Love (2004) (short story)

The Road Virus Heads North (2004) (short story)

The Man in the Black Suit (2004) (short story)

Secret Window (2004) (novella "Four Past Midnight: Secret Window, Secret Garden")

"Kingdom Hospital" (2004) TV series (unknown episodes)

... aka Stephen King's Kingdom Hospital (USA: complete title)

The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer (2003) (TV) (characters)

Autopsy Room Four (2003) (short story)

Dreamcatcher (2003) (novel "Dreamcatcher")

... aka Attrapeur de rêves, L' (Canada: French title)

Rainy Season (2002) (short story)

The Dead Zone (2002) (V) (novel)

Carrie (2002) (TV) (novel)

Night Surf (2002) (short story)

Firestarter 2: Rekindled (2002) (TV) (novel "Firestarter")

... aka Firestarter: Rekindled (USA: cable TV title)

"Rose Red" (2002) TV mini-series (written by)

... aka Stephen King's Rose Red (USA: complete title)

Children of the Corn: Revelation (2001) (V) (characters)

Hearts in Atlantis (2001) (book)

Strawberry Spring (2001) (short story)

Paranoid (2000/II) (poem "Paranoid: A Chant")

... aka Stephen King's Paranoid (USA)

The Green Mile (1999) (novel)

... aka Stephen King's The Green Mile (USA: complete title)

Children of the Corn 666: Isaac's Return (1999) (V) (short story "Children of the Corn")

... aka Children of the Corn 666 (USA: short title)

Sometimes They Come Back... for More (1999) (V) (characters)

... aka Frozen

... aka Ice Station Erebus (Australia: video title)

... aka The Antichrist (Philippines: English title)

The Rage: Carrie 2 (1999) (characters)

"Storm of the Century" (1999) TV mini-series (written by)

... aka Stephen King's Storm of the Century (USA: complete title)

... aka Tempête du siècle, La (Canada: French title)

Apt Pupil (1998) (novella "Apt Pupil")

... aka Élève doué, L' (Canada: French title)

... aka Un élève doué - Été de corruption (France)

Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror (1998) (V) (short story "Children of the Corn")

... aka Children of the Corn 5

"The X Files" (1 episode, 1998)

... aka The X-Files (USA)

- Chinga (1998) TV episode (written by)

The Night Flier (1997) (story)

... aka Stephen King's The Night Flier

"The Outer Limits" (1 episode, 1997)

... aka The New Outer Limits (USA: promotional title)

- Revelations of Becka Paulson (1997) TV episode (story)

Quicksilver Highway (1997) (TV) (short story "Chattery Teeth")

Ghosts (1997/I) (idea) (story)

... aka Michael Jackson's Ghosts

"The Shining" (1997) TV mini-series (novel) (teleplay)

... aka Stephen King's The Shining (USA: complete title)

Trucks (1997) (TV) (short story)

Thinner (1996) (novel)

... aka Stephen King's Thinner

Children of the Corn IV: The Gathering (1996) (V) (short story "Children of the Corn")

... aka Deadly Harvest

Sometimes They Come Back... Again (1996) (V) (characters)

... aka Sometimes They Come Back 2 (USA)

The Langoliers (1995) (TV) (novella "From Four Past Midnight")

... aka Stephen King's The Langoliers

Dolores Claiborne (1995) (book)

The Mangler (1995) (short story)

Children of the Corn III (1995) (story "Children of the Corn")

... aka Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest

The Shawshank Redemption (1994) (short story "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption")

"The Stand" (1994) TV mini-series (book) (teleplay)

... aka Stephen King's The Stand

Needful Things (1993) (book)

The Tommyknockers (1993) (TV) (novel)

... aka Stephen King's The Tommyknockers

The Dark Half (1993) (novel)

Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice (1992) (short story "Children of the Corn")

... aka Children of the Corn: Deadly Harvest (USA)

Sleepwalkers (1992) (written by)

... aka Sleepstalkers (Hong Kong: English title: cable TV title)

... aka Stephen King's Sleepwalkers

The Lawnmower Man (1992) (title only) (credit removed following lawsuit)

... aka Stephen King's The Lawnmower Man

... aka Virtual Wars (Japan: English title)

"Golden Years" (1991) TV series (writer)

... aka Stephen King's Golden Years

Sometimes They Come Back (1991) (TV) (short story)

... aka Stephen King's 'Sometimes They Come Back'

"Monsters" (1 episode, 1991)

- The Moving Finger (1991) TV episode (story)

Misery (1990) (novel "Misery")

It (1990) (TV) (novel)

... aka Stephen King's It (USA: complete title)

Graveyard Shift (1990) (short story)

... aka Stephen King's Graveyard Shift

Tales from the Darkside: The Movie (1990) (short story) (segment "Cat From Hell")

... aka Creepshow 3 (International: English title: informal title)

... aka Darkside Movie (USA: informal English title)

... aka Tales from the Darkside (International: English title: informal English title)

Pet Sematary (1989) (novel) (screenplay)

... aka Pet Cemetery (USA: orthographically correct title)

... aka Stephen King's Pet Sematary (Philippines: English title: poster title)

"Tales from the Darkside" (2 episodes, 1984-1987)

- Sorry, Right Number (1987) TV episode (writer)

- The Word Processor of the Gods (1984) TV episode (story)

The Running Man (1987) (novel) (as Richard Bachman)

A Return to Salem's Lot (1987) (characters)

Creepshow 2 (1987) (stories)

... aka Dead and Undead: Creepshow 2 (USA)

The Last Rung on the Ladder (1987) (short story)

The Lawnmower Man (1987) (short story)

Stand by Me (1986) (novella "The Body")

Maximum Overdrive (1986) (short story "Trucks") (written by)

"The Twilight Zone" (1 episode, 1986)

... aka The New Twilight Zone (Australia)

- Gramma/Personal Demons/Cold Reading (1986) TV episode (story) (segment "Gramma")

Srazhenie (1986) (short story)

... aka Сражение (Soviet Union: Russian title)

Silver Bullet (1985) (novella "Cycle of the Werewolf") (writer)

... aka Stephen King's Silver Bullet (USA: complete title)

Cat's Eye (1985) (writer)

... aka Stephen King's Cat's Eye

Firestarter (1984) (novel)

Children of the Corn (1984) (short story)

... aka Stephen King's Children of the Corn

Christine (1983) (novel)

... aka John Carpenter's Christine (USA: complete title)

The Dead Zone (1983) (novel)

... aka Zone neutre, La (Canada: French title)

Cujo (1983) (novel)

The Woman in the Room (1983) (story)

... aka Stephen King's Night Shift Collection (USA: video box title)

... aka Stephen King's Nightshift Collection Volume One: The Woman in the Room (USA: video box title)

Disciples of the Crow (1983) (short story)

Creepshow (1982) (screenplay) (short stories "The Crate and Weeds") (uncredited)

... aka Cuentos de ultratumba (USA: Spanish title)

... aka Stephen King's Creepshow (International: English title: long title)

The Boogeyman (1982) (short story)

... aka Stephen King's Nightshift Collection Volume Two: The Boogyman (USA: video box title)

... aka Stephen King's The Boogeyman

The Shining (1980) (novel)

... aka Stanley Kubrick's 'The Shining'

Salem's Lot (1979) (TV) (novel)

... aka Blood Thirst

... aka Salem's Lot: The Miniseries

... aka Salem's Lot: The Movie (USA: cable TV title (cut version))

Carrie (1976) (novel)

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